With the right people in the right place, you prevent stress and stimulate job satisfaction. HR, the manager and the employee all can play their own part in the NoStress Navigating process!
The NoStress Navigator looks at the person, at the things that give energy or cost energy. Personal energy is the key to dealing with stress. That energy determines what can cause someone stress, but also what drains the battery and what pitfalls someone has.
The NoStress Navigator also looks at current work. Because we believe that work and people should fit together. If that is not the case, it becomes difficult to retain energy. Stress increases, burnout threatens.
We see too often that people get stuck at work. And that they think that they do not meet the requirements, that they fall short. They look for the cause in themselves. Wrongly. Usually there is nothing wrong with the person, the problem lies in the match between person and work environment. In a good work environment people have energy and job satisfaction, and they can grow. In the conversations we have with these people, there is often an enormous sense of relief when people experience stress: "So it's not my fault; I can do quite a lot, but that doesn't come across in this place!"
Especially young people can go very far in trying to meet the demands of others, while they are absolutely in the wrong place. Nothing wrong with the person, but a lot wrong with the match! The moment they realize that, a lot has already been solved. You see the energy come back, so to speak.
Then it becomes crucial how the next steps are taken. The role of HR is essential in this, as support for the manager. In the case of a mismatch, the starting point of the conversation already sets a good tone ("you are ok, but in this place you do not come into your own") and in the case of a match it is a good basis for discussing a personal development path. With the motivation method, which is the basis for the NoStressNavigotor, the HR strategy can be used to give substance to SPP, retention, reducing (consequences and costs of) absenteeism, recruitment and selection based on a match with the team and manager.
As far as we are concerned, there is also a role for the employee. The NoStress Navigator is constructed in such a way that employees can make their own choices and initiate the conversation based on that.
As an employee, you are responsible for your own job satisfaction and therefore your employability, HR has a role in optimally deploying the people in the organization. Costs and effort are saved this way!